Friday 29 November 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Has anyone heard of doTERRA oils causing Liver Damage?


Can I get a copy of the information you talked about. My email is

Thank you so much,

Carol Bransford

On Saturday, October 27, 2012 11:15:06 AM UTC-7, Cathy wrote:
I'm back from basketball so here are a few more things I would consider. Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.d. does an excellent job of explaining how our bodies developed the enzymes to deal with liver toxins over time.  His book "The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils" is an EXCELLENT resource and I was able to find it in my library system in Boise, ID (which isn't very big) so you might check for it there or you can buy it on amazon for around $13.  Anyways, he talks about how humans have always eaten plants, which contain both digestable (proteins, sugars, etc) and indigestable secondary metabolites (essential oils, pigments, etc).  Initially, these secondary metabolites WERE toxic to our bodies, so our bodies responded by creating CYP 450 enzymes in our livers that neutralize and then flushed them out.  So basically, our bodies have evolved to be able to easily flush essential oil "toxins" so that they're not really toxic to our bodies anymore.  The great part is, when we use essential oils (lemon is particularly good, but he says pretty much all essential oils have this effect), they stimulate those CYP 450 enzymes, and that it stimulates our liver to make way more enzymes than are needed to flush out the essential oils, so consequently, it flushes up built up toxins in our liver!

Another great resource that dispels the toxicity myths can be found at  

Finally, one last quote I like from Kurt Schnaubelt's book (p. 74): "The reader will find that basic information and a dose of common sense are a perfect foundation to safely explore the many uses of essential oils.  This is not to say that there will never be an unpleasant experience.  An oil might be irritating or more stimulating than expected....Compared to the hundreds of thousands of deaths cause by the wrongful application of conventional medicines and the hundreds of thousands more deaths caused by known side effects of conventional drugs, the journeys to explore essential oils are innocent and utterly harmless."

I always tell people, it's just food!  Our bodies recognize these as food, not as foreign substances.  Why would you be afraid to put a lemon in your body?  It IS important to get pure oils, because adulterated oils could be toxic to our bodies.  One of the reasons I love doTERRA!

Oh, and the online class I'm teaching is Tuesday, October 30, 8:30 - 9:15 MST at  If you can't listen then, but want the info, email me and I can send you the link for the recording after the fact.  Good luck on your learning journey!  I am LOVING mine!

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