Thursday 24 October 2013

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Pat or anyone please help

Brenda, first I am so sorry to hear what went on with you father. Second, it was a little scary to read your post since I myself have a seizure disorder with epilepsy on both my mom's and dad's side of the family. My mom's cousin was messing with his seizure medication and had a seizure and died leaving a young wife and two kids under 5 years old. My dad's sister had seizures from the time she was born and no one really knew what was going on back then or what to use and her brain function was affected by all the medications and it made it all worse as she went through life. She has also passed away. I have also worked in nursing for 6 years and I will tell you it is one of the hardest things you can ever do if you want to be caring and compassionate. You get little sleep, high stress levels, have others loved ones life in your hands and you have to see the family is going through  the hardest time in their life. To mention just a little of what it is like. So your approach to be direct AND kind at the same time is great advise. We are trained to look at what is wrong and fix it how we know how. Until I started with doTERRA I was unaware of what the oils could do and when my license was up for renewal I decided I wanted a break. I dealt most of my time in oncology with cancer patients and let me tell you, it is one of the hardest areas to work in. Today I am using doTERRA to help me get off my seizure medication and it is not easy. Seeing how you went about helping your father with the oils was great. I hope that they continue to help me. Seizures of any level are not fun and can be very scary for all involved. Thanks for your post and perspective Brenda!

On Thursday, October 24, 2013 11:01:09 AM UTC-7, William Richardson wrote:

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On Oct 24, 2013, at 1:59 PM, brenda <> wrote:

I can't help but chime in here.  In February, my father died in my arms, while calling 911 and holding him, I grabbed the breathe and smeared it on.  I say smeared because I was shaking and hysterical.  He had massive seizures.  They ambulanced him in and then ended up having to air evac him out.  At my ER (we are in a VERY small town), they let ne put whatever oils on him I desired.  Everyone in there knew I do oils and they know me, so no problem.  I was administering frankincense and DDR every 30 - 40 miunutes.  I knew with massive seizures, it would repair the cells, and stop the seizing.  So, on the airplane to the Phoenix area, I would reach back and apply on neck and crown of head.  When I got to the the Phoenix ER, the nurse told me, I don't like the smell of those and I don't want it to bother the other patients in the ER so I am going to have to ask you not to use those.  Remembering some of the advice I had been given by several doctors that are friends of mine, I remember always that you can fire a doctor, they are employed by you.  It is the same as if you hire a brick layer and don't like his work.  Well, I have remembered that over the last 20 years and then I don't feel so backed in a corner.  Now, realizing that, I also don't want it to be confrontational, but peaceful, so I looked at the nurse, and having sympathy because they are not trained in oils, and realizing that frankincense and DDR are very strong oils, (not like using serenity or something that makes your room smell wonderful!).  I looked her in the eye and said I am not trying to be confrontational, argumentative, of go against your authority, but you need to realize something here.  I know what these oils will do for him on a cellular level.  That man gave me birth, and because you don't like it, whether it is the smell or whatever, I am not willing to not offend you with something you don't like the smell of when I know what these will do for him.  I am sorry you don't like it, but you need to understand that EVERY 30 minutes to 1 hour these oils are going on him.  You can move me, put me in a hall, closet, or change nurses, whatever you need to do  but just understand that.  She glared at me, walked out, they treated him, as did I.  We do have more choices than we think.  Although, don't be hateful.  I thought afterwards that what I could have said was, Oh, so puke, pee, poop, body odors of every type are ok but you don't like the smell of these and won't tolerate it?  However, it is a good thing I didn't think of that because I didn't want to be hateful.  Long story long,  LOL, we were in icu and in the hospital for a week and his brain activity showed the seizing just STOPPED.  Now, seizures of that magnitude don't just stop, they assure me, there are little seizures happening you just cant see.  So, his reports came back no seizure medication, he is totally recovered, (fairly quickly) no continued seizing, brain function fine, surprised everyone!  So, hope that helps. P>S> We did have one doctor refuse to enter his room because said the smell was toxic, when we were diffusing the good oils.  So, we said fine, we will meet you out in the hall, whatever, (she was just being a hard case).  Everyone else said his room smelled great.  We were diffrusing serenity and bergamot, and stuff like that.  So, sometimes we just need to be firm, but kind.  Just realize they are hired by you to do a job.  They are a "contractor" for lack of better terms, hope that helps.  But please, don't be ugly and confrontational, if you can help it. 
On Sunday, October 20, 2013 1:08:07 PM UTC-7, 3lilloves wrote:
Hey Pat, My little guy is slowly getting over his pnemonia.  I ended up having to take him back to the ER Wed night after I told you that they confirmed the pnemonia on him.  The reason I had to take him back is, 2 hours after we got home, the side of his neck swelled up. He was in excruciating pain and couldn't turn his head at all. As soon as I arrived they admitted him and did a CT scan because they were concerned that he had an absces.  It came back as cellulitis of the lymph nodes.  So he was put on 2 heavy antibiotics to treat both the pnemonia and the cellulitis as well as strong pain meds because motrin wasn't even touching the pain. He was SO sick and in SO much pain!  I started on the PB assist in the hospital and I was rubbing melaluca on his feet and clear skin on his neck followed by a hot compress.  I rotated diffusing On Guard, oregano with lemon and melaluca.  The first night I rubbed franki and Immortel on his feet and neck because it is what I had with me the first day. The swelling went down faster than the doctor thought it would so I know I was doing something right :-)
We just got home and I am REALLY freaking out over all of the meds he has had pushed through him as well as all of the radiation that he got from the X-ray AND the CT scan Will you please help me with a protocol that I can use to clean him out and what types of things can I do to get rid of all of the radiation that is in his body now.  I am mostly freaked out over the radiation that he got from the CT scan!
On the plus side, I started feeling run down and had the familiar "cloggy" feeling starting in my throat, the one that tells you your about to come down with something so I started popping the On Guard Plus and rubbing On Guard on my feet and I never got sick  :-)  :-)  Also every time a nurse or a doc would come in our room they would comment on how our room was the best smelling room in the hospital!  Also running the diffuser helped moisturize the very dry air and killed any airborne pathogens that thought about entering our room :-)

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