Friday, 27 May 2011

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Sunscreen or sun protection?

I have some very white kids n they do great w coconut oil alone.
It is just something u gotta see what works.
Sunscreen has a lot of chemicals that can actually cause cancer. Good to look for natural alternatives like u r


Wings o' Change <> wrote:

>Rachel, so nice to see a kindred spirit on this. I believe in the health
>benefits of sun exposure to our bodies so I don't block it either,
>preferring to do things the natural way and build up my exposure slowly as
>the weather warms. Newer research shows that skin cancer doesn't come from
>normal, heavy, or adult exposure to sun, but rather from extreme sunburns in
>childhood, and that sun exposure is actually very good for us, with many
>health benefits, not just Vitamin D.
>However, I know some people are so fair that they never build up a tan and
>do need sunscreen. Those people also need to supplement with Vitamin D all
>year round because they don't absorb any through sunblock. If you're
>blocking the UV rays, you're blocking the Vitamin D.
>~Rev. Diane Jarecki
>Reiki Master Teacher
>Spiritual Teacher
>Wellness Coach
>"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for
>complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the
>philosophy is kindness." ~Dalai
>"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness
>I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it
>now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." ~William
>On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Rachel Wachs <>wrote:
>> This may or may not be what people are looking for, but when studying at
>> the School of Natural Healing, we were taught that the sun brings the
>> impurities to the surface of the skin so that it can literally burn out the
>> damage within our tissues. Our family no longer uses sunscreen and we
>> haven't had burns since we stopped. We started out staying in the sun a
>> little at a time and then worked our way up to longer exposure, but we have
>> seen a huge difference in so many ways. Our moods are better, our skin is
>> clearer - there were several spots that I had on my arm that are not there
>> anymore- and we do feel like it is making a difference with our daughter,
>> who is 3, and doesn't wear sunblock at all. I hope that that helps. Let me
>> know if you have any other questions, and I will do my best to help/answer
>> them.
>> -Rachel
>> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:01 PM, MomHeather <>wrote:
>>> What ratio of EO to FCO do you use for sunscreen, and how often do you
>>> need to reapply it? I can't afford to cover my whole family in
>>> helichrysum, and am used to putting sunscreen on daily during the
>>> summer.
>>> Heather,
>>> In the past I've been told that if you are tan you have damaged your
>>> skin. If you are using lavender and FCO and still tanning but not
>>> burning, are you adequately protected from the damaging rays of the
>>> sun? My family is quite fair so I need to be really careful. But I am
>>> drawn to the idea of using oils instead of traditional sunscreen.
>>> I'd love to hear from others your experiences with using oils for sun
>>> protection.
>>> --
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>> --
>> -Rachel
>>, a safe place for natural healing
>> 586.850.3585- cell
>> 801.477.0527- office
>> --
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