Sunday 26 April 2015

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: I need some help from experienced naturopaths very familiar with using doTERRA oils

Good point, Dee.  I appreciate the reminder.

On Apr 26, 2015 12:42 PM, "Dee Clingman" <> wrote:
Until you are able to find the right person to talk with your friend I'd recommend going to YouTube and watching Dr.Paul Winterton's various presentations. Dr. Winterton is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and loves doTERRA oils. 

Here is the link to one of his presentations and from there you can get to others.  Perhaps Dr Winterton's presentations will provide the knowledge and information your friend is wanting.


On Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 9:17:44 AM UTC-5, Kris wrote:
I've already tried to go over sensitivities with him but he needs to talk to someone with fancy letters behind their name. His health situation is very complex and he has to have massive amounts of toxins floating around due to the fact that he's a smoker. He's spent tons of money already on various different different possible solutions which none worked. So he's justifiably developed a serious case of skepticism and needs someone with a no b.s. explanation and approach to help see why the oils are different and how they actually could help him.

My initial plan was to help him detox very gradually, due to his body's sensitivities, by trying lemon in water and slowly bringing LLV into play with one capsule of one bottle a day and working our way up. I also wanted to talk to him about his diet as I have no clue what else he's putting into his body, and increasing hydration with water, not coffee or soda etc, each day.

Again, he's willing to try something because he wants relief, his health condition literally makes him miserable and is affecting his social and work life, but he needs to talk it over with someone with credentials right now. I know he'll trust a naturopath who doesn't use fru fru woo woo explanations, but talks straight to the point. He favors science and detailed knowledge of the body's and oil's functions/workings over vague, over-simplified or unspecific explanations. He wants someone to tell it to him straight and answer questions with competency and no fluff. I prefer that language too actually. Lol. Anyway, I really want to help him. He's a dear friend. Please help.

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