Monday 27 April 2015

[Everything doTERRA] Re: I need some help from experienced naturopaths very familiar with using doTERRA oils

It sounds like a sensitivity to the oil most likely do to not diluting enough with carrier oil. It is so important to dilute!!! If you do not dilute enough and develop a skin sensitivity to a particular oil or blend you possibly may not be able to use this oil again. How sad that would be! Please let us teach our people to dilute. These oils work great a 1-3%.

On Friday, April 24, 2015 at 9:32:29 PM UTC-7, Kris wrote:

Okay, so I have a guy friend who thinks there may be something off with our oils or something. He apparently had some very serious 'side effects' to using some of our oils. I know he has Krohns and he smokes. I don't know the details of these reactions as it was indicated they were quite personal and he wasn't comfortable discussing them with me. He however would be willing to discuss them with someone who has much higher credentials and an understanding of health and all that. He does believe in naturopaths. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to have a conversation with him about his experience and help him to understand why he had whatever reactions he had and that it isn't an indication that there's something shady with how we advertise our oils as safe for all and free of negative side effects?

I would love to help him through his health issues but his experiences seem to have made it difficult for him to trust my advise or the product.

Thanks in advance!


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