Saturday 20 October 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Lyme Disease and DDR Prime?

I think DDR PRIME would be great but for more info on Lyme there is a webinar by Dr Hill (I think you can google it & it should come up, not sure if its on youtube or vimeo)...its almost 2hrs long but SOOOOO worth the time investment! Dr Hill does a lot of explaining how to treat an acute case vs chronic, really good. Also gives a protocol. If you can't find it send me a msg I have protocol in my google docs:)

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1 comment:

  1. Do you still have the protocol in your docs? I have been searching for it ever since they went through and made everything compliant. I thought I downloaded, but turns out it was a linked page, and it was gone. I go on and search from time to time hoping it will show up again.
