Tuesday 27 December 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Diffusers

Questions! I have a friend with the Whisper. You can't smell a thing in her house. My beef with the aroma ace is you can't put more than one oil in it. My frustration with the lotus is the length of time it goes. So...???


On Dec 27, 2011, at 12:12 PM, everythingdoterra@googlegroups.com wrote:

Group: http://groups.google.com/group/everythingdoterra/topics

    Victoria <victoria.riosfurlow@gmail.com> Dec 27 11:05AM -0800  

    Hi there.
    My name is Victoria. I have been using essential oils for well over a
    decade now, but I fell in love with doTERRA essential oils this past
    summer. In my short lived doTERRA IPC career, I have come across some
    people that refuse to believe that essential oils are all that I
    "claim" them to be. So...instead of arguing with them, I decided to
    dedicate a facebook fanpage that sites medicinal papers, journals, and
    peer-reviewed research that supports the benefits of essential oils.
    I have included Dr. Hill's presentations and recipes.
    I would love for you guys to visit my fanpage. If you have any
    articles that can contribute, please let me know.
    Here is my link


    Hugh Pettitt <hugh.doterra@gmail.com> Dec 27 08:56AM -0800  

    I agree this is practical but how to do you put up with the noise? It
    has the be the noisiest machine on the market. I have the lotus and
    prefer it due to it silent operation. If anyone has a tip on how to
    quiet the ace so it no longer sounds like an old fridge that would be


    Christine <cmcubcreek@yahoo.com> Dec 27 11:05AM -0800  

    I have had all 3 and prefer the ace for convenience. Mine is on low
    and you cannot hear it unless you put it on high. You might have an
    unusually loud machine. Try putting it on something soft that will
    absorb the sound.


    Jeannie <gaga4doterra@gmail.com> Dec 27 10:42AM -0800  

    The last two bottles of OG foaming handwash I purchased have been
    cloudy and if it sits it separates with milky swirls; another IPC
    called me and says her's is that way too. I've called Customer
    Service about this but they aren't aware of this and I'm sending an
    email on to Product Development and will post back when I hear from
    Has anyone else experienced this?
    Peace and Happiness


    Ashlee Miller <ashleelmiller@gmail.com> Dec 26 11:56PM -0800  

    I don't have an oil answer. You are doing what I would do. The
    thought that comes to me to look at the cough energetically...I have
    worked with clients with persistent coughs before that were not able
    to speak about their own mind. There are other possible reasons, but
    coughs can develop when we are not permitted or do not choose to speak
    our own thoughts. This type of issue is really simple to clear
    through energy work. There are lots of options if that avenue
    interests you and I would be happy to point you in a good direction.
    Let us know how it works out. :)


    renee banchiere <reneebanchiere123@gmail.com> Dec 27 05:05AM -0800  

    My grand daughter has had a simular cough, she coughs until she throws up.
    Three drops of Frankincence in a shot glass of water does the trick. No
    more coughing.


    Jeannie <jeannie25203@gmail.com> Dec 27 06:17AM -0800  

    Rosemary works great for bronchial coughs. A drop or 2 to chest along
    aith breathe or diffuse. You could also try Digestzen


    Carly Nelson <eojunkie@gmail.com> Dec 27 10:27AM -0700  

    Or could it be just a tic of some sort? I have had, and my mom has a
    coughing 'tic'. We both have Tourette Syndrome. Almost everyone has
    'tics' of some sort at some point without having any syndrome or anything
    like that. If there's no congestion, maybe stress? If this might be the
    case, make sure there are no stressors and do not make an issue of it, that
    could only make it worse. I can be doing just fine, and then someone will
    ask or I will start talking about it, and the tics go wild.
    Not much of an answer, but thought I'd just throw that out there just in
    case it's something totally unrelated to a regular cough.
    Good luck!


    Sharon Hoehner <detoxexpert@gmail.com> Dec 27 09:49AM -0800  

    I would eliminate all sugar, wheat and dairy and see if you can find a
    homeopathic mold remedy for her. Those coughs that don't go away in
    fall/winter are almost always from mold which causes candida. Probiotics
    are a must. Fresh made or unpasteurized sauerkraut would be helpful to
    eat. It's surprising but many kids really like it and it will really help
    the immune system. Make sure there is no mold in the house. Perhaps
    diffuse Purify? Just an idea. Also massage her feet in the bronchial area
    with the oils you were recommended (I would also add Aromatouch to make
    sure her spine is in alignment. We saw lots of kids like these in my
    ex-bosses practice (including my own!). They can generally tolerate all
    foods in summer but not fall-spring. Perhaps a Vitamin D3 deficiency?
    Try giving her 5000 or more IU's. Get the liquid, not the pills since they
    are full of mag stearate and not good for a sick person (or healthy for
    that matter). Where do you live? I'm asking because of the weather to see
    how moldy it is. If it freezes over the winter then mold is less likely.
    Sharon Hoehner
    "As close to the 'magic bullet' as you are going to get."-* Frank Chaviano,
    Ph.D. International Public Health Pandemic Consultant speaking of Chaga.
    See www.chagaholic.com for more details.
    Most effective & safest mercury chelator: www.zeolitepro.com
    *(604) 905-9240* Pacific Time


    DoTerra9455@gmail.com Dec 27 05:52PM  

    Yes - I was just going to say milk, ice cream, any and all dairy makes me
    cough so when I'm sick and get a cough I stay away from dairy!


    CeriAnn <shortir8wm@hotmail.com> Dec 27 10:06AM -0800  

    I had a son with a similar issue that responded very well to
    going off dairy and starting green smoothies. According to
    conventional allergy testing he has no allergies, however he coughs
    when he is on dairy and does not cough when he is off it. When we
    first took him off dairy the coughing decreased but didn't stop. After
    starting a green smoothie a day he was cough free in about a week. If
    you are unfamiliar with green smoothies just google the term. I had to
    put them in colored cups and use straws when we first started. Some
    kids are put off by the green and some are not. Mine are fine as long
    as they taste good. If I had been using oils at that time I would have
    used the allergy blend.
    After dealing with this with my son, and going dairy-free and
    drinking green smoothies, I had a baby girl who tends to have
    bronchial issues every winter. The first two winters of her life I
    used breathe and on guard with minimal success. They helped ease the
    breathing, but didn't really handle the issue. Then somebody on this
    site mentioned using orange oil. About the same time another person
    brought up rosemary. My daughter responds instantly to alternating
    orange and rosemary, applying one oil every 5-15 minutes if the
    situation is acute. Frequently throughout the day if there is any
    coughing or difficulty breathing. This is her fourth winter and this
    year she started respiratory stuff right on cue. This year it lasted
    about 12 hours.
    We also diffuse on guard, frankincense, lemon, lime, whatever
    sounds good, regularly. And I use balance and frankincense on their
    feet regularly. Also, I do epsom salt-lavender baths as soon as I see
    any sign of illness. Seems like a lot of oil, but we deal with
    sickness so much less frequently than we used to. Seems like when we
    first started using oils we were always dealing with something. Now we
    get to focus on staying well.
    You might consider the Gx Assist for her. I squeeze the oils
    into a few tablespoons of applesauce and add a little extra cinnamon
    and coconut oil (to cut the heat). I give one third of the applesauce
    three times a day (so they are getting one capsule a day, but it's
    split up into three doses. It doesn't taste good, but my kids will do
    Probably stuff you have already heard. I hope you find something
    that works for you.


    Ginny Eiseman <ginny@kpunet.net> Dec 27 09:15AM -0900  

    It is possible that he's not allergic to the dairy but something in the
    processing or packaging. They rub stuff on the cows and clean the
    machines with chemicals and so on. Its odd but several people who have
    dairy reactions, don't when they've switched to organic dairy. Not
    suggesting you try it since what you have is working but I find it curious.
    On 12/27/2011 9:06 AM, CeriAnn wrote:


    DoTerra9455@gmail.com Dec 27 06:33PM  

    dairy is mucous forming so when you have excess mucos you definately don't
    want to make more!


    DoTerra9455@gmail.com Dec 27 06:33PM  

    dairy is mucous forming so when you have excess mucos you definately don't
    want to make more!


    "janacymgb@yahoo.com" <janacymgb@yahoo.com> Dec 27 10:18AM -0800  

    I'm 23 wks pregnant and have had a cough for over a week. I've been
    doing the 'Bomb's, all the oils on my feet and chest. I haven't had
    more than a few hours of sleep in the last four nights. I'm
    desperate! Any suggestions??
    Maybe I'm not doing enough, doing too much? Help!


    "janacymgb@yahoo.com" <janacymgb@yahoo.com> Dec 27 10:19AM -0800  

    Me again :) My main worry is the constant contraction of my stomach
    muscles and the effects it is having on this poor little one inside of


    Patricia Leavitt <doterradiscover@gmail.com> Dec 27 11:23AM -0700  

    Try Rosemary on the throat area, or Frankincense under the tongue, or Myrrh
    & Lime internal and topical.
    Hope that one of these helps.
    On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 11:18 AM, janacymgb@yahoo.com


    "cmalanny@gmail.com" <cmalanny@gmail.com> Dec 26 12:04PM -0800  

    Hi Everyone Happy Holidays, My name is Lanny I have a couple of
    Dad's is in stage 4 congestive heart failure on Oxygen and very weak
    the grand kids had the stomach flu and gave it to us he can't take
    anything by mouth he took a Zendocrine back in October after the
    capsule broke open he burped it up and down the wind pipe it went, wow
    that was bad. Anyway I've been rubbing 4 drops of digestzen on his
    feet any suggestions I might be able to get him to take another
    Dad is a Diabetic and his feet and caves are not in good shape very
    dry and scaly patches I've been rubbing Melaleuca and Fractionated
    Coconut oil his legs are looking better 3 days ago Dad was trimming
    his tow nails and on one tow took off the whole thing right to the
    skin it was a mess so I stopped the bleeding and put a drop of
    Melaleuca on it so far it's looking great will have to get him in to
    doc's office after the holidays of coerce if starts looking bad I'll
    get him to the ER immediately any suggestions?.
    Lanny Hoggatt


    Patricia Leavitt <doterradiscover@gmail.com> Dec 27 08:31AM -0700  

    Try having your Father take the DigestZen in a small swig of water (2-3
    drops). It's a great way to get it into his system. It sounds like you are
    doing all the right things. I would get the Zendorcrine Blend so you can
    rub it directly on his liver area for detox.
    It also wouldn't hurt for him to take 2 drops of Frankincense under his
    tongue daily.


    Sharon Hoehner <detoxexpert@gmail.com> Dec 27 09:52AM -0800  

    Lanny, if you want a non-doTerra suggestion email me off-group: detoxexpert
    @ gmail.com. If he is on nitro though it is not appropriate. Miracles can
    Sharon Hoehner
    "As close to the 'magic bullet' as you are going to get."-* Frank Chaviano,
    Ph.D. International Public Health Pandemic Consultant speaking of Chaga.
    See www.chagaholic.com for more details.
    Most effective & safest mercury chelator: www.zeolitepro.com
    *(604) 905-9240* Pacific Time


    pamme <pammegal@gmail.com> Dec 27 09:48AM -0800  

    Persia is the former name of today's Iran. :-)


    Vanessa <vbdavis@gmail.com> Dec 27 08:30AM -0800  

    I just wrote about my 5 year old's persistent cough and all of you
    were so helpful....great ideas. Now I am writing about my 2 1/2 year
    old who caught some weird long lasting flu type bug which my husband
    had all last week so we know the course it takes...kind of. My
    duaghter has spent the last 4 nights coughing non-stop. At first the
    cough was clearing stuff and I was somewhat successful with the oils.
    I've diffused Breathe, Lime and Rosemary. Last night we even had the
    humidifier going in conjunction with the diffuser. I've applied
    Frankincense and myrrh to her spine, breathe and lime to the chest,
    rosemary to the chest, peppermint and oregano, on guard to the feet.
    Now, nothing is working. The cough is now a high pitched weezy....not
    croup but something else. Nothing is soothing her and because she is
    so young we're not supposed to give her certain medications. Again, I
    am out of answers. The poor thing is exhausted now because she can't
    sleep with the cough.
    My husband had severe congestion following the flu symptoms however my
    little girl has this this cough. Help.....I thought it would have
    lessened by now.
    Thank you in advance for your suggestions:)


    Carly Nelson <eojunkie@gmail.com> Dec 27 10:31AM -0700  

    My 11 month old grandson had congestion and junk that made him lose his
    voice. We rubbed breathe and rosemary with FCO on his chest and feet, and
    within a day he was much better. Also, my daughter has been keeping
    eucalyptus in the vaporizer in his room at night. That seems to help keep
    the cold weather/dry air junk at bay.
    Good luck. It's so hard to see our little ones suffer.


    Ramona Personal <ramsfam13@yahoo.com> Dec 27 10:47AM -0700  

    If the cough is tight you need to break it up. For this, I like to be in a small room with the diffuser and an oil good as an expectorant like eucalyptus or white fir. I also rub the oils on the child. Lots of fluid are also important to break up and move the mucus. I also put peppermint behind the neck to clear the sinus passages. You can also rub digest zen on the stomach to further help move the mucous.
    Sent from my Mom's iPad


    "Janice B." <janicebittner@gmail.com> Dec 27 05:30AM -0800  

    Hi, everyone: I recently used On Guard (neat) on my 3-year-old's neck
    -- a quick swip after putting on pajamas with feet (I didn't take the
    time to undress him to put it on his feet). Well, the next morning,
    his neck was very red and welted, as well as a spot on his face and
    around his eye (where he may have wiped some, I don't know). It's been
    3 days now, and it's still there, though a little less red. It does
    not appear to be itchy or bothersome; it just looks terrible. I want
    to put lavender on it, but I'm afraid to apply any more oils!
    Does anyone have any suggestions?


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