Saturday, 2 August 2014

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Citrus Oils and Toxic Fat

Thank you for asking the question Lillian, as I too have wondered this.  If I go on a diet and lose weight quickly (it's been a long time since that has happened), I get very sick, because
I release the stored toxins into my bloodstream.  Now I know that I should drink Lemon water in order to cleanse it from my system.  Hoping someone has an answer.

On Saturday, August 2, 2014 6:41:42 PM UTC-5, Lillian Warkentin wrote:
I learned years ago about how citrus oils can detoxify and break down toxins in our bodies which are then flushed out by drinking enough water. I also heard that we have toxic fat and when the toxins inside these fat cells is broken down and eliminated the fat cells deflate. Can anyone point me to an article or webinar on this particular subject? I'd love to learn more, and have friends asking for more info too.

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