Sunday, 1 June 2014

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Rattlesnake Bite

I think you did an incredible job and I will use your experience to share with others. Hopefully it will get others to send in their protocols and how they used the oils.


On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Cheryl Graeve <> wrote:

On Thursday, December 8, 2011 8:16:05 PM UTC-5, Fretless Fiddler wrote:
Does anyone have experience with treating a rattlesnake bite? My five
year old just came through this ordeal. I used Purify when he was
first bitten, and basil. He had 14 vials of CroFab antivenin. When the
nurses weren't looking, I used helichrysum, white fir, Balance and
frankincense on his swollen bite area (foot) and the results were
really good. I could tell they were impressed with his progress. He
walked on his bitten foot in less than 24 hours, and was released the
next day. His foot was bruised looking, but never turned black.

Less than one week later he experienced "delayed coagulopathy" (sp?)
and received two more vials of antivenin. Delayed coagulopathy happens
with our brand of poisonous snake. The venom lasts longer in the
system than the antivenin.

After we returned home, I started giving him Terrazyme on an empty
stomach (with the intent that it would help get rid of the venom,
which is protien), and LLV (not the e omega) and doing Symphony of
Cells for immune system support. I did those because he did not get a
Tetanus shot.

From the beginning, we had the support of many prayers and a Body Talk

I am really interested to hear of anyone's experience or inspiration
on this subject. Thanks, Anna in AZ

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