Saturday 28 June 2014

[Everything doTERRA] Adrenal fatigue without fatigue?

Okay, so it's been a bit of a stressful year for me.  My dad died in September.  My (baby) son left on his mission in December.  DH bailed in February.  Then mom died in April.  Oh, and I was really, really sick last year w/effects of mercury toxicity....deepest, darkest depression ever, anxiety, dementia-like name it, if it was psychological/emotional...I presented it.

I'm just now starting to feel a bit like myself, but my brain function is still far from acceptable.  I serve a very low-key/easy mission and do family history research...something I've done for 30+ years and should be so familiar to me...but I just feel lost.   There are days when I'm at my mission and I just have to leave, b/c I feel like I'm doing more harm than good.  This is very frustrating.  I'm being treated by a naturopath at my Neurologist's office, and she is using estrogen/progesterone/DHEA to try to stabilize my adrenals and get them functioning again, but it is taking SO long!  I'm on my second 3 month round of the DHEA and still feeling kinda hopeless about it.  

I eat really healthy and drink nothing but water.  LLV. I get exercise.  I'm basically doing everything I can think of to get well and maintain the health I do enjoy, but dog-gone it...I want my brain back!

Does anyone have any ideas of what else I can be doing to get to a new, better 'normal'??? 

Thanks tons.  Y'all are the best.


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