Wednesday 30 November 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Totally awful sinus headache! Suggestions please!

I'm to the point where I think there must be some kind of infection or
something. I normally have wonderful success with lemon/lavender/
peppermint. It's my go to. But I've had this awful headache since
Thanksgiving. :( It's all around my eye, down into my cheek, ear,
neck. The whole left side of my neck is super tight, and my throat is
starting to turn red. I know many of you are going to suggest a netti
pot but I don't have one. I'm also in a sort of secluded area and
won't have access to get one until at least Friday. I've been using
lots of past tense. All around my sinus area, down the side of my
ear, around my ear, and down my neck. It does bring some relief but
it doesn't last long. I also started taking some oregano yesterday
for fear it may be an infection. Just like the past tense, it brings
a little relief but then passes and doesn't seem to be helping things
improve. It came to a head last night when my headache got so bad
that I resorted to tylenol just so I could sleep. Does anyone have a
suggestion for me (besides a netti at this point) that maybe I haven't
tried? I'd like to think it's congestion, but I'm not stuffy. I'm
actually wondering if it could be an inflammation...

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