Friday 26 September 2014

[Everything doTERRA] Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - any helpful advice?

I have EDS and haven't really found anything to help on those specific joints that flair up. I have found the most success in reducing everyday pain is taking llv, ddr prime caplets, frank internal, lemon daily. I also do slim and sassy just bc (maybe if I weigh less my joints will hurt less). I have done the gx cleanse 3 times, each time getting better. And last month when I did it - I also included zendocrine. And after the gx, I did 10 days with oregano and melaleuca (both for candida as well as heavy metal). I do still have inflammation in my SI joints and hips bc they are so loose and haven't been able to conquer that without prescriptions. And I do get the occasional flair up w a joint that hyper extends. I try to limit the joint after that and use deep blue and a muscle blend I made up (w white fir, cypress, marjoram, frank, lemongrass and deep blue), use heat and ice (whichever is needed at the time). I've recently used birch and arborvitae with lots of success on specific sites. Good luck

And the key to reducing inflammation long term and pain - preventative - is exercise. Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support the joints - since the ligaments and tendons can't do their job well. Strong muscles help keep the joints from hyper extending and subluxating

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