Wednesday, 2 April 2014

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Soy in Phytoestrogen

I'm pretty soy IS the phytoestrogen (source)....  this is why it is in the product... I am interested in seeing others' responses, though!!

Here's a LiveStrong article on phytoestrogens:

Hope that Helps!

Kiera Wells
WA 133490

On Saturday, March 29, 2014 5:08:54 PM UTC-4, Apryl Mann doTERRA IPC #405799 wrote:
I was wondering about the soy in the Phytoestrogen. I have always heard women should stay away from soy after all and especially if they have a history of breast cancer in the family. I wasn't paying attention and got some and looked on the bottle and don't want to take it now since my grandmother had breast cancer. Is this a different type of soy?


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