Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Young Living Lawsuit

Perfect response Joni! Thank you for sharing!

On Jun 27, 2012 10:28 AM, "Joni" <> wrote:
I started this discussion because I felt like we needed to be aware of
what was going on, only so that we could be informed if someone asked
us about the lawsuit.  I feel like a few things should be clarified,
and addressed.

First off, you should know that at doTERRA corporate they are running
business as usual, and no one is overly upset or worried about this
frivolous lawsuit.  Two days ago I spent three hours there meeting
with someone who was wanting to know more about doTERRA, we met with
Emily Wright.  Listening to Emily discuss the purity of our oils and
the third party testing only reconfirmed what I already felt and knew,
that we truly have pure oils.  Our oils are tested by three different
companies/labs, one of which is Dr. Robert Pappas, whom many of you
have heard speak at convention last year, and at this years leadership
retreat. The testing and "certifying" of our oils is NOT done in
house, it is all third party.  As for the CPTG trademark, I have been
with doTERRA since January of 2009, CPTG has always been explained to
me as a term that was trademarked by doTERRA.  The owners and founders
of doTERRA wanted to source and provide the purest oils, currently
there is no standard in the Essential Oil industry, so they created
the CPTG standard.  Any company who conducts the same strict standard
of testing that doTERRA does can also say that their oils are CPTG.
Having said that, I don't think the company that Kat mentioned is
stealing our trademark.  I believe that company is merely stating that
the essential oils they use in their products are CPTG because they
are using doTERRA products.  If you go to the link to their weight
loss products you will notice that they sell our Slim & Sassy.

As a side note on Dr. Robert Pappas, you should know that he is
actually trying to get some interest in creating a therapeutic grade
standard.  Here is a link to that website

To return to the Lawsuit.  At the very end of the meeting Emily
mentioned the lawsuit.  She wanted the person we were meeting with to
be aware that they would probably hear about it.  She mentioned it in
passing really, something that doTERRA is not at all worried about.
She also mentioned that the owners and founders had complied with the
6 month non compete clause when they left Young Living.   I think it
is good to be informed of what is going on, but I don't think we need
to spend any more energy than necessary worrying about this lawsuit.
It is just a distraction.

Other things to remember:  Gary Young has been trying for the last
four years to file a lawsuit against doTERRA, his attorney could never
find any basis for the lawsuit.  That attorney no longer works at YL.
doTERRA, in four short years, is now bigger than YL, a company that
has been around for over 20 years.  I remember speaking to one of the
first leaders in doTERRA from Australia.  I asked her how she came to
know about doTERRA, and why she joined since she had been using YL
oils.  She told me it was because YL had sent out a letter stating all
the "bad" things about doTERRA and that if someone approached them
about doTERRA they should run the other way as fast as they could.
This, of course, sparked her interest in doTERRA, mostly, she said,
because she wasn't going to let anyone tell her what to do or what
oils she should or shouldn't use.  I think this has been the case with
many YL people who have switched to doTERRA, they would not have known
about us if YL had not been so adamant about saying negative things
about us. doTERRA has a 65% retention rate, over 12,000 people joined
doTERRA in May, there is a reason for that, our oils work and they are
pure, it's that simple.

I hope that helps to clarify and maybe answer a few of the concerns
that have been brought up.

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