Wednesday, 28 August 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: cat with double ear infections

I am currently using a little On Guard with FCO on my cat for an abcess.  You could try that and see how he does

On Friday, August 23, 2013 7:19:02 AM UTC-7, AndreaLynn wrote:
Hi. Our poor cat Buckie has double ear infections. Took him to the vet and he just finished an antibiotic and fungal drop medicine but is still struggleing. they did a lab and said they saw either a bacteria or fungus in his ear. Not sure which. from the stress of me messing with his hears so much he now has a flare up of his herpes virus - he got from being a shelter kitty. I have aways been able to keep the herpes at bay by diffusing on guard during stressful times - or a dab on his paw. We are slowly pushing the herpes issues back but he is still struggling with the ears - and is now having balance issues from whatever is going on with the ears. I am diluting and dabbing on guard (very small amounts) around the inside of ear (just started) and  very small amount of lavender diluted too in the ear.   I know meleleuca is to be used with caution for cats so I am not doing that - tho that is usually recommended for ear trouble. Anyway ideas.
and please no DONT USE OILS on cats messages - Doterra oils are unmatched and if used diluted and in small amounts - do wonders for the kitties. Been using them with rescues and at shelter I go to and my own kitties for over 3 years ---just have to only use dab on paws and diluted or diffuse. THANK YOU for any helpful suggestions!! Please pray for him too Thanks!!

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