Wednesday, 28 August 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Abcess or something on my kitten

My kitten has had a growing area under his neck where he is loosing his fur and I can see his skin,I noticed it a few days ago. It seems to keep growing and this morning was bloody. I believe it is an abcess and I am going to keep an eye on it until Friday when I can get him to the vet if I still need to. I have been using Lavender and last night used a little bit of On Guard, all mixed with FCO. I haven't put it directly on the area, just around it or on his paws. Any other suggestions? I know there are certain oils you shouldn't use on cats so I am leary on what I can use. I know doTerra is so pure that they are safe with heavy dilution. Please any advise would be helpful.

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