Saturday 31 August 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Blistering disease in infant....any suggestions?

Looking for some advice here. I have a blog link below to more details about my grandsons disease, but wanted to get some advice. When Julian was first diagnosed with Urticaria Pigmentosa (a rare disease that produces too much histamine, causing rashes and blistering) he was put on a OTC Antihistamine which proved to do nothing, in fact his condition worsened so the doctors took him off it and said there is nothing we can do.

We started using lavender and DDR prime. The lavender seems to be helping with the spots and providing relief to his discomfort. When we added the DDR prime a month or so after using strictly lavender, he started getting more and more blisters (the condition of this disease). So we thought about discontinuing the DDR prime, but then thought, maybe this is just bringing the disease out, and it should get we continued. We didn't see any change, so about a month later, we added Frankincense to the mix. It has been about another month now, and still no improvement.

So, do we stop using DDR prime and Frankincense or what would you suggest? His blisters usually form on his head (there are more pictures on my blog) and sometimes he will have several at one time. They later break open and then he has dried blood patches on his skin. I would have thought we tried the oils long enough to show a change if they were going to help, but maybe I am wrong. Any suggestions? We are certainly open to them!

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