Wednesday, 2 January 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Controlling Candida overgrowth

I would say some of these symptoms sound like your thyroid medication maybe off a bit.  I know you would be tested regularly for it.  I don't remember all my pharmacology but are you on a bioidentical hormone?  If not try and see if you can get on one and see if that helps.  I know Candida can cause problems but with the thyroid issue I would really be sure about that as well.

On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 6:15:05 PM UTC-7, ileenj wrote:
I'm trying to sort out symptoms I have had for a long time.  I have been doing an elimination diet for a couple months and have ruled out food allergies as the cause of these symptoms.  

I have been successful, with the help of my doctors, weaning off all medications except levothyroxine, which I need because I have had a total thyroidectomy 35 years ago.  I have come to the conclusion that most of my symptoms stem from a Candida overgrowth.  

1)  Tenseness and inability to relax.  I notice this in my face, especially my jaws.  
2)  Inability to fall asleep at night.  It may take me 3 or more hours to fall asleep.
3)  I have tingling/flushing/burning in my head and arms most of the time.  This is mild and not nearly as strong as a year ago.  It is most noticeable when I change positions from lying down to sitting or standing.
4)  I frequently have a "hangover" in the mornings on waking, difficult to wake up.
5)  Sometimes I feel cold when everyone else is comfortable.  At times I have experienced shivering and shaking, but not recently.
6)  I usually have to lie down mid-day because my back hurts across my shoulder blades. 
7)  Anxiety.

These symptoms are irregular.  Sometimes I feel wonderful, fall asleep easily and sleep well. The next day it can be the opposite.  I have not been able to connect these symptoms with any specific cause.

1)  Over the past 3 to 5 years I have been cleaning up my diet--nothing white, vegetarian, mostly fruits and vegetables and small servings of brown rice, nuts.  I have gradually lost weight.
2)  I started with doTERRA in February 2011 and have been taking the LLV supplements and have done the GX/PB Assist cleanse several times.  At first this detox was too fast and I had to step back to 1 or 2 GX Assist per day with meals.  Last fall I did them three times, waiting 10 days after the PB Assist.  In November and December I have done the Zendocrine cleanse and have used Terrazyme with meals.  
3)  I had a urinary tract infection in December 2011 and was treated with antibiotics, three courses, plus a couple trips to the dentist requiring antibiotics.  This resulted in almost constant diarrhea and I continued to lose weight.  It finally dawned on me that I needed to do the GX/PB cleanse again.  This helped a lot.  
4)  The end of November and through December I had cataract surgery and had to use antibiotic and steroid drops in my eyes three times a day for about three weeks.  During this time I took PB Assist.
5)  The end of November 2012 my liver function lab test results were "a little high".  One day little brown spots showed up on my abdomen.  They look like the sun spots I have on my forearms.  I attribute these to a stressed liver (perhaps too much cleansing too frequently).  I haven't been able to get this rechecked because of other medical issues, the holidays, etc.  This is on the top of my todo list.
6)  I have been using the mood oils daily to help control the anxiety and help me to relax--Ylang Ylang, Serenity, Balance, vetiver, Past Tense.

I know my health is gradually improving though not as quickly as I would like.  I am usually sleeping better and have more energy.   I would think all this cleansing would be helping more.  Maybe I haven't been consistent enough.  

Does all this sound like it could be caused by Candida?  
Pat, you say you have Candida, do you still have symptoms?  If so, what are they?
Should I continue with cleansing or take a break and let my body rest?

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