Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Supplement handout?

Hi RBrown,
What have I noticed about DDR Prime? It is designed for our cells to do what they are suppose to do - perform  a function and then die plus DDR Prime kills off abnormal cells in the body. The oils are sooo smart! It creates a pathway to health.
You definitely want to use it with a very good nutritional plan including the healthiest foods and supplements. If you want to be healthier then give your cells what they need - natural organic goodness as much as possible. Energy comes from this. 
1. I was on a lyme disease protocol that was natural but not doterra based. The practioner I went to knew about natural remedies and is just starting to learn about doTerra. I wanted to be treated and relieved. He prescribed a protocol and that I should be lyme free in 3-4 months. I added DDR Prime and some other oils to the protocol but really focused on DDR Prime. I went back 6 weeks later and the lyme is totally gone!
2. Everytime I pick up the bottle I just needed to pull it close to me which is an indicator my body needs it.
3. I had the practitioner muscle test the frequency and he got a reading of 20 which is high.  He said this is what your body needs. He tested to see how many capsules (I had the capsules this time) and he said 2/day, which is the recommended dosage. Now he msucle tested it on another person who had a lung issue and he found it would help but in her case was not the best - peppermint was.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 8:08 AM, ashley <> wrote:
Thank you. I realize there is seperate info on the product pages and the booklet. I am looking more for a handout with ALL supplements including digestive and women's. and all on one or two pages- more for a handout at a class.
I guess i will have to make one:)
Thank you

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Sally Lanza
doTERRA Independent Product  Consultant, #105652

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