Sunday, 1 November 2015

[Everything doTERRA] Re: C. Diff - Long Term & Complications

please add the Terrazymes,,,2 when you eat and 2 in between meals...I would take 2 PB's, one in the am and then before bed...diffuse On Guard and take the OG caplets...use black pepper on your feet...2x a day...I would not use the GX til I had gotten relief  with the Terrazymes and the PB...try not to eat dairy and of course no liquid save water with lemon oil in 4 drops [er 1/2 you have balance oil ? Use that on your feet and brain stem, have you used the Digest Oil and the caplets...drop a drop every 2-4 hours in your GX assist...not now...the OG caplets have oregano and the digest zen will work on the parasite count...and as you go for 3 days up the Terrazymes to 2 before meals and 3 3x a day in dairy, no bread, pasta...can you juice...try beet, ginger, 2 oz once a gently with opinion and what I have seen work...what I would do were it me. 

On Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 6:45:25 PM UTC-5, One Drop Wellness - Tony wrote:
I have been sick for over a year, started getting abdominal cramping after a kidney stone surgery. 
Felt good after I did a 9 day antibacterial run, in lieu of the nasty antibiotics the doctors wanted me to take as preventative for post surgery, but they put Cipro (EVIL!) in my IV during surgery... probably started all this. 
Then the cramping hit full force about a month later, I started getting sicker and sicker, no answers, and have been horribly unwell for over a year now.

Dr. finally had me tested in late July/early August for intestinal bacteria and parasites, came back positive for both C. Diff toxins A+B & the antigen.
By this time (had appeared back in Feb or so) I had a visibly swollen and painful area in my lower left abdomen, right where the last part of the colon is.
Just before this I went from normal bowel movements to constipation, never did have any significant diarrhea through all this, just occasional like anyone can get. 
I did GX Assist + PB Assist, felt much improved and didn't think I was going to die anymore, but I wasn't "well". This was in August.
Re-tested and the tests came back negative. Did a 24day round of Saccharomyces Boulardii as recommended by an ND my Dr. had me see.   
This made me so so much worse and I was in a TON of pain after I stopped, gave it 4 days before doing any adl. oils and it just got worse. 
So I started doing 5d Frankincense + 3d Peppermint /day, this helped immensely. I also did another 5 day round of PB Assist @ 3x/day as well.
I also do LLV & an electrolyte supplement daily that keeps me from keeling over from dehydration and electrolyte depletion.

Dr. had me re-tested... positive again. 
Starting 9 days ago, Thursday, with SOC Infectious Disease protocol daily on feet with Lawton Foot Technique (hot pans), and 2 OnGuard+ softgels every 2hrs, stopped the Frank+Pep.
Next day I started PB Assist 3x/day with meals/food as well.
I dropped down to 1x/OnGuard+ softgel every 2hrs on Saturday, total no-go! 
Went back up to 2x/2hrs and back to feeling on the mend. Did 3 days of this, then last Wed. dropped down to 1x/2hrs because A. I was running out, and B. I felt I was doing well and I didn't see any backward slide from reducing at that point. 
FFW to the end of this week and I am sliding downward. 

I did some searching and found a protocol that Dr. Hill posted for C. Diff of 3-4d OnGuard and 1-2d Black Pepper in a capsule 2x/day. 
So I did 4d+2d, max dose and will do that 2x today and see how it goes. I'll continue the OnGuard+ with each meal for the Melissa.
I have decided to keep on the PB Assist @ 3/xday for 10 days, like the cleanse, instead of 5 days. I finish that up tomorrow night. 
Then I'm thinking dropping to 1x/day, is that enough?

I could EAT THE WORLD I get so hungry and weak. That's improving, but has backslid a bit. 

This thing seems to really be dumping toxins into my body, as I really have to keep up with detoxing: detox soaks with 4d/ea Lavender, Lemongrass, Geranium, Zendocrine EO & Grapefruit in a cup of Epsom salts to a tub of hot water, soak for 30min. Those are ROUGH when I don't do them daily, I get panic attacks in the tub, the other night I felt like I was on a vibrating bed cranked up to uncomfortable levels. So weird!! So so scary!! Fortunately it passed when I had my wife bring me some plain yogurt+honey+lemon.
I have to do Clove+Zendocrine on my liver morning and night, otherwise I get a GROSS sick taste in my mouth and I feel very flu-ish. 

Am I on the right track? Suggestions? Changes you'd make from experience?

Thanks! for reading. :) 
Sorry this is long. I can provide more history or details as needed. 

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