Wednesday 29 May 2013

[Everything doTERRA] Study showing Melaleuca is safe to ingest.

Hi Everyone,
I am having a little trouble explaining why doTERRA's Melaleuca oil is safe to ingest. When you google Tea Tree oil or Melaleuca there are numerous things saying they are not safe to ingest. I have emailed doTERRA Product support and I did finally get a decent answer. My problem is that I can't find anything else to substantiate it, everything I have found says even in small quantities it is not safe. I was just wondering if anyone had seen anything published that would say it was safe in small quantities.
Here is the response from product support.

I appreciate your persistence and followup clarification. I am happy to further address your concerns. As mentioned in the review article you cited, there have been some instances of melaleuca essential oil posing a threat at high doses. Along those lines, any substance can be toxic if taken at high enough doses.  For instance, even water can cause death or other serious consequences if too much is consumed at once.This review cited one study showing that 120 mL of melaleuca oil caused adverse dermal affects in cats. When looking at this information, it is important to remember that one bottle of doTERRA melaleuca essential oil contains 15 mL of oil. This would be like applying 8 bottles of essential oil at one time. Other studies cited in this review investigated the affects of accidental ingestion of the essential oil by children. These children consumed up to 10 mL of the essential oil at one time, or about two thirds of a bottle. We do not recommend nearly that amount for an adult, let alone a child. When using essential oils, it is important to remember that they are very potent so more is not always better. Generally we recommend using just a few drops at any given time. We also recommend using several small doses throughout the day rather than one large dose all at once. Additionally, we never recommend that more than 20 drops be consumed at any given time because of their extreme potency. It is even more important to be careful when using oils with children. I would again like to assure you that essential oils are very safe if used appropriately. I hope this has better answered your question. 


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