Thursday, 1 May 2014

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Hives/itchy-kind-of-rash/ could it be from Cypress. Any suggestions for relief?

YIPES!  Did not think of that Amber!  And you bet I have it!  Good stuff!  Will try :)  Please, any of you other knowledgeable folk - other thoughts? 

On Thursday, May 1, 2014 11:17:01 AM UTC-4, Amber Loves Doterra wrote:
Oh no, poor guy! I would use lavender for the hives/itching and give him a LLP capsule or triease if you have it.

On Thursday, May 1, 2014 10:25:35 AM UTC-4, wrote:
My poor husband who has been SOOOO supportive of everything doTERRA since I got in last November (2013) and who like me is on LLV every day - was reading one of the doTERRA reference books - either Modern Essentials or the new one which came out near Christmas at this site - and discovered a treatment he decided to try on varicose veins in his legs which were giving him some achy pain.  I believe it was a mix of lemongrass, cypress, lavender, lemon.  I THINK he blended info from the 2 books in this mixture.  He applied this neat for 4 days on his thighs and lower legs.  To relieve the pain of the veins - which has come and gone for years - he alternated each night between ice applications and heat applications.  On the 5th day he broke out in a terrible itchy rash and stopped all applications of oils on it immediately.  He was already drinking a lot of water spiked with grapefruit or with lemon so that suggestion was already in play.  He had also been on the LLV so that suggestion was already in play.  Of course I brought up the "body-releasing-toxins" idea and he'd already thought of that.  Now the rash has spread to his arms where he probably touched the cypress - that's what he thinks is the culprit - or the lemongrass - the 2nd candidate as the culprit - when he was applying the oils to both legs.  Of course I brought up "fractionated coconut oil" but the guy can't stand coconut on his skin.  He's had a lifelong allergy to it and immediately throws up - no kidding - if somebody slips a little coconut into a salad.  Can't stand smelling other people's coconut-laced suntan oils in summer etc.  And yes we both know how pure the fractionated coconut oil is.  He's suffered with this wild rash for 2 weeks since he last touched the oil-mix to his legs.  His legs where the rash is are hot to the touch.  He hasn't slept a decent night in days since he wakes up and itches like crazy.  He's taken to doing bath soaks every night with Aveeno trying to get the itchiness down but very modest relief.  I've tried to get him to do a cortisone cream but he is determined to lick this "naturally".  Any good suggestions?  The poor guy is either "on fire" as he sits in long meetings at work or is crazy to scratch himself all over legs and arms.  Yesterday he gave me the cypress and the lemongrass bottles and said he was sure he would never use those 2 oils again in his life.

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