Friday, 28 October 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Just Gave my husband cinnamon in a pill without diluting

You are more than welcome:) If he has a dry cough..unproductive but
seems like there could be something you might try applying Breathe on
his chest then layer Rosemary on top of that...and a lil Myrrh might
not hurt either. If you can muscle test him for the ones that will be
best for him that would probably work you muscle test or
know how to do so?

On Oct 28, 4:41 pm, Rachel Lints <> wrote:
> thank you for the reply.  He just came home last night from work saying he didn't feel well.  Felt achy, didn't have a fever, stuffy nose, a dry cough.  I believe that is all.  I need to get him over this because he is going in for surgery next Thursday.  I would hate for him to be sick and having to deal with a bum knee to boot.  
> I will try your suggestion.  
> Thank you :)
> Rachel Hardin
> doTERRA Product Consultant
> ________________________________
> From: Amelia1968 <>
> To: Everything doTERRA <>
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:06 PM
> Subject: [Everything doTERRA] Re: Just Gave my husband cinnamon in a pill without diluting
> He should be fine...I have done this many times also have just placed
> a couple of drops in my mouth & swallowed YES it was hot but no harm
> was done:) If it is bothersome to him you may just want to have him
> eat before the next one:) If you believe it is a viral or bacterial
> infection you could also put 2-3 drops of cinnamon in a small
> glass(shot glass amt) of water and have him swish this around his
> mouth then gargle and swallow...this will kill the germs in his mouth
> and get into his bloodstream quickly...
> I have questions...what are his symptoms? Besides "crappy"...coughing,
> achy, congested,feverish??? Nasal or chest congestion or both???
> If you think he has a sinus/cold issue I might even suggest some Myrrh
> if you have it...Clove is also in OnGuard as well as Wild Orange...I
> have had success with a combo of the following as well:
> Thyme (3-4 drops)
> Lemon(3-4 drops)
> Lavender(3-4 drops)
> Peppermint(3-4 drops)
> Frankincense AND/OR Myrrh (2-3 drops each)
> Take orally in a capsule as often as symptoms return:) Hope this is
> helpful!
> Blessings!
> CaryAmelia
> *These statements have not been evaluated my the FDA. These products
> are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*
> On Oct 28, 10:12 am, healthandwellness365 <>
> wrote:
> > Will he have any issues with this?  I ran out of OnGuard so thought
> > that I would just put some cinnamon into the capsule instead.  Will he
> > have any issues since I didn't dilute it?
> > I have been putting Oregano, Frank & On Guard into a capsule because
> > he has been feeling pretty crappy.  Now that I have run out of On
> > Guard, I would love other suggestions for what I can help him get over
> > what ever it is he has.
> > I have also been giving him PB Assist + along with everything else.
> > Thank you for your suggestions :)
> --
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