Friday, 28 October 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Blood clot in brain

Frankincense is always good for brain issues and I would probably
apply it and the others mentioned below to her neck/head depending on
where the clot for the clot here's what has to say about that:

Blood Clots

Parts of this were taken with permission from Essential Oils Overview
and Reference Guide, published by: The Family Tree, 2008

Suggested Protocols
Experiences Testimonials
Science & Research

Oils, blends & products recommended:

Oils & Blends: Clove, cypress, Deep Blue, thyme

Essential oils based products: Life Long Vitality supplements

Also consider: Grapefruit, helichrysum

Suggested protocols:

Consistent use of the Life Long Vitality supplements improves the
balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids that is shown in research
to improve cardiovascular health.

Topical application of oils to the area of a blood clot twice a day.
Drive in the oil with a hot compress after application. Also positive
reports include coupling the topical application with 2 or 3 drops of
the chosen essential oil in a capsule and taking 2 times per day.


*These statements have not been evaluated my the FDA. These products
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*

On Oct 28, 4:20 pm, krdeluna <> wrote:
> I just found out that an old dear friend of mine was taken to the
> hospital yesterday after collapsing due to a blood clot in her brain.
> She had heart trouble a few years ago, and is scheduled to have a
> pacemaker put in this afternoon.  That's all I know so far.  Any
> suggestions for helpful oils when I go to see her tomorrow?

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