Saturday, 29 October 2011

Re: [Everything doTERRA] Ipad

I have an ipad 3g and had the same problem, not sure but my apple guy thought the program was just too large to handle on the 3g. I know use my phone as my hot spot and take my mac with me to shows and events. If the show is a big one, where I will be crazy busy I just take the IPC apps and have the new IPC fill out all the info and then take it back to the office and enter all the new IPC's that way.

I do love my ipad for so many other things, just hasn't worked for that one.

I have also been asked if I do all the new uploads that are offered and I do not. I am going to do that and see if it makes a difference.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Luna <> wrote:
Has anyone tried to enroll someone using an iPad.  I have tried
numerous times and when I get to the final step it says "error"
application has timed out please re-enter.  I have called Apple and we
went through numerous things and it still says that error.  I can type
fast so I know that's not it.  Has anyone else had this issue?  I
called Doterra and the young lady I spoke with had never heard of this
issue.  Any help would be much appreciated seeing I bought the iPad to
take and enroll right on the spot.

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