Saturday, 29 October 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Healing Oils of the Bible

I would love to get a copy of this information also please. Thank You!

On Oct 16, 12:44 am, Karina Sammons <> wrote:
> Hello Heather and friends!
> I've been teaching my own adapted version of this class for the last
> year and I LOVE TEACHING IT! Totally my passion.  After teaching this
> class for the first time (just before Christmas last year), I came
> home and exclaimed to my husband that this was the class I was born to
> teach.
> I am in the process of putting together materials that would be easy
> for me to share -- to allow others to utilize the power-point
> presentation I created, use my leaders notes, class notes, scripture
> references, and therefore...easily be able to teach this class on
> their own. (And my class utilized all the doTERRA "oils of the Bible"
> and some great info about these particular oils such as:
> Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Cypress, Cassia, Cinnamon, The oils
> of *joy*, etc..!)
> I've actually been encouraged to find a friend to video me teaching
> the class so that others can easily just *watch* my class or duplicate
> it on their own.
> Stay tuned for more!
> You can feel free to email me directly if you are interested in this
> stuff!
> Regarding the location questions, I have had my best classes at local
> churches who were open to the idea of hosting this kind of class.  I
> also have a special "Letter to the Pastor" I've included in my
> materials.  The letter does a great job explaining the topic and
> purpose of this class, and that it is not to sell oils, but rather
> educate people about the essential oils/anointing oils that were woven
> into the stories and teachings  ALL throughout scripture.
> I just prefer the "feel" of being inside a church while teaching this
> special class.  But honestly, you could teach it anywhere.  In my
> opinion, this is such important information to share and teach and
> spread around the world!
> Be in touch!
> Blessings,
> Kari
> On Oct 14, 12:38 pm, MomHeather <> wrote:
> > I have been reading "HealingOilsof theBibleby David Stewart and
> > have learned so much. The book is designed for you to give a class
> > with scriptures andoils, but is based on Young Living products.  Has
> > anyone adapted this program to doTERRA products and would be willing
> > to share what you did?  It will take some time for me to buy the rest
> > of theoilsthat I will need, but I am starting to think about how I
> > might hold this class.  I would love any insight or thoughts you might
> > have on this topic.
> > Thanks,
> > Heather

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