Thursday, 1 September 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Colic Clarification

You may also wish to try Roman Chamomile. It is very baby friendly
but I would still dilute since her son is so young. Also, I am
wondering if there is a medical reason or otherwise for her to not
nurse her baby? And her feelings about it? If she is unable to nurse
and wanted to do so she may be feeling disappointed, anxious, etc as
well as all the other hormones of a new mother.... Baby may be picking
up on those emotions... so you may wish to treat her, too. If nothing
else then she may benefit from Balance or Whisper - dealing with a
colicky baby is not fun!

Good luck!

On Sep 1, 7:16 pm, Gretchen <> wrote:
> I got a call from a neighbor of a couple who attended one of my
> classes the other night. She has a 2 month old son with colic. He is
> bottle fed a lactose free formula.
> I looked up colic in the ME book, then went to,
> and then I came here. I keep reading Peppermint and yet ME doesn't
> even mention it. I am meeting with her in her home tomorrow afternoon
> and want to be able to give her options. I guess I would have just
> suggested DigestZen right off the bat but what about Geranium and
> Lavender?
> ME also mentions a lack of probiotic bacteria in the intestines as a
> possible reason for the colic. How do you get the probiotics into the
> system of an infant? I am working with a another family with a baby
> who is lactose intolerant and I wonder the same for him or how to get
> digestive enzymes into him.
> Pat where do you get all of your wisdom from? We either need to
> duplicate your brain, have you write a book or something!. ;)

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