Tuesday, 27 September 2011

[Everything doTERRA] Congenital Heart Disease and Glaucoma

Hello Everyone,

I have an old High School friend who I have talked to about essential
oils and this is what came back. I am wondering what can be done to
help her and her kids.

I have a congenital heart disease which means I need to be very
careful of what I use whether it be natural or prescribed...the
electrical part of my heart forgets how to work when my heart rate
accelerates...many things make it accelerate whether it be emotional
physical or in food or products you use everyday...its a fatal disease
and there is no cure for it but it can be carefully managed...my kids
are tested frequently because I can pass it to them...and three out of
my four kids have glaucoma sp again many factors can make their
pressures go out of control which will lead to blindness...it is a
chronic disease that has. No cure so it is managed through surgery.

What can I tell her? I would love to help her out and have no doubt
that doTERRA has something for her.

Thank you for your input

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