Friday, 23 January 2015

[Everything doTERRA] Re: true kidney blockage

Make sure she keeps those capsules you made up for her in the freezer - the oils will eat through the capsules rather quickly but freezing them slows that down.

Have you tried layering Frankincense and Juniper Berry on her back over the kidneys?  Juniper Berry supports healthy kidney function and frankincense helps...well a LOT. :o)  I'd do a drop of each oil over each kidney 2-3 times each day.

As to the LLV, I have a friend who was in end-stage 3 kidney failure and one of the biggest parts of her protocol was working up to taking a double dose of the LLV daily. She also used the Zendocrine Detoxification Complex and Zendorcine Blend because this is great for detoxing the kidneys (and other filtering organs).

On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 9:47:54 PM UTC-6, colleen hobbs wrote:
My 56 yr old sister recently had surgery to remove her spleen due to cancer. one of the results was a blockage to the left kidney which seems to keep repeating itself. A stint was placed in the kidney and she was doing well until a few days ago. Logs of kidney pain. An ultrasound showed a blockage but they didn't comment at all about the existing stint (frustration). She now has to under another CT scan so they can see what is up with the stint.

As soon as she arrived here in pain I started her on two things capsules of rosemary and lemongrass for the kidney and morphine bombs (frankincense, marjoram, and oregano) for the pain. The bombs dulled the pain while her pain meds did nothing but together they wiped out the pain completely. This morning she woke up feeling pretty good with pain way down. I made her some more Rosemary and Lemongrass caps and also made her a half dozen helichrysium and rosemary caps and suggested she do 7 of one then the other.

I have her using some other oils. LVP is not something she will do now as she is on so many other supplements. This is her 4th bout with cancer and though she is almost in remission and from almost 100% alternative therapies with very little highly specialized low dose chemo treatments. Any thoughts or recommendations would be greatly welcomed...   Oh and I have her using Frankincense/Sandlewood/Lavendar alternating these 3 x's daily for the cancer.



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