Sunday 30 December 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: Disappointed

 I was also sick recently, with the flu I believe. I had to sort of wing the flu bomb since I don't have melaluca, and it seems a popular ingredient in the flu bomb.
So after a day of starting to feel sick I became convinced I caught the bug my boyfriend so nicely brought home. ugh. I immediately started taking flu bombs and drinking tons of water with oils (I love my slim and sassy + lemon + on guard) and though I didn't feel great, it kept it from getting worse and I recovered within 2 days. I know 2 people that had the same thing and they were both stuck in bed for 2 days with it taking OTC meds and it took them over a week to feel better.  I was only sick for 3 days, and it was fairly mild. I am certain it would have gotten much worse had I not used my oils how I did!

Also, it probably sounds odd, but something kept telling me to use Lavender oil and when I finally did- wow! So that goes with what the others are saying for use what your body needs. I'm not sure how to muscle test but I'm sure it would have been a definite yes for lavender if I did!

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