Friday 18 May 2012

[Everything doTERRA] Re: drinking oils in plastic water bottles

So, I did a Google search for glass tumblers with straws & lids... holy cow, you'd think they were made of pure gold the prices they charge!  I only found two online, but they were somewhere in the range of $50.

I'm a big fan of the Starbucks Cold Cups and use mine daily.  I've been scared to use lemon oil in them because of what I've read here.  So, I just sent the company an email suggesting they offer the Cold Cup with straw and lid in glass and told them they'd have an instant market with doTerra customers.  =)  I explained it to them... and I saw on eBay that they once created the cup in all stainless steel, even the lid and straw, but again, they're selling for $50 because they're collector's items now.  I personally think water tastes weird in steel bottles, so I mentioned that and encouraged them to consider selling a glass one.

In the meantime, they DO have this awesome glass bottle with protective silicone cover that is very affordable, so I thought I'd pass it along:,default,pd.html?start=18&cgid=drinkware&srule=Best%20Matches

On Friday, May 18, 2012 9:34:02 PM UTC-4, Elaine wrote:
I wish I could find those nice tumblers with lids and straws in glass.  I've found the glass straws, and of course glasses are abundant, but I prefer to have a screw-on lid, too.  Is there such a thing?

On Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:36:56 AM UTC-4, Deborah K wrote:
I was using one of those new, pretty, hard plastic cups with a lid and
straw (you can get them just about anywhere, etc.) and I
was drinking lemon water.  It didn't sit in the cup all day.  I drank
it (all of it) at work once/day over a period of about an hour, and
after about 2 weeks, the straw totally disintegrated!  I had just
started using the oils, and I thought, whoa, these oils are potent!
Anyway, just my experience with lemon oil in my water with (hard)
plastic.  I now always use glass and I also purchased glass straws!

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